Miss Hannah's Friday 6 by 6 Storytimes prepare children by giving them the six skills they need to start reading. We will read stories, dance, and play games that will get them excited about learning!
Homeschool Friday: Your Adventure with Panda Oki
Drawing and writing comics is easier than you think! Anthony Jappa will show kids how to draw and how to use the building blocks of stories, such as character, plot, and resolution, to make a fun adventure with Panda Oki and his friends.
Children ages 18 and under are invited to join us for a free after-school snack Monday through Friday (while USD 500 is in session) in the Craft Room at the West Wyandotte Library courtesy of USD 500 Nutritional Services.
Kids and Teens! Come in, grab some fresh popcorn and hot cocoa, get cozy, and listen to a novel.
Kids and teens are invited to join us for a free delicious, nutritious after school snack every week day from 4:00-4:45 pm on days that school is in session. Held in the Youth Services craft room.