Join KCKPL, Union Station, and Mid-Continent Library for a a “blast-off” event at Union Station’s Extreme Screen with a special showing of National Park Adventure 3D.
Insects and Birds in the Garden
Learn to identify some of the most common beneficial insects, butterflies and birds that frequent our area.
Are you interested in learning how your library can help you find a job? Come to our class to find out!
Come join us for family story time in the Youth Services Craft Room, We will read stories, dance, and sing. This story time is particularly great for families with readers ages 2-6.
Taller de Danza Folklórica abrirá la oprotunidad a los alumnos la posibilidad de expresarse y comunicarse a través del lenguaje de sus propios movimientos.
Aprenden a darle claridad y tono a tu canto con este programa gratuito cada sábado. Todas las edades y todos los estilos con la profesora Sandra Zamora.
You be the artist! We will have materials ready for a fun hour of drawing and coloring, including coloring pages and mandalas.
Did you know that reading aloud to a dog can help children improve their confidence and reading skills? The trained dogs from MO-KAN Pet Partners will provide a safe and exciting environment for children to read and flourish.
Are you a novelist? A blogger? Have a short story that's been itching to be told? Join us for a two hour block of time for writers to brainstorm, write, and work toward their word goals.
Holmes & Watson, Sony, 91 minutes.
Buzz into the library and make a “Cute As A Bug!” photo frame. Adorned with colorful ladybugs, butterflies, flowers and more! All materials provided. For ages 4 to 12 only. Please register on-line or by phone. Limit 2
Teens: are you looking to build valuable career skills? Are you interested in having a backstage pass to your local library? Do you need volunteer hours for school or an extracurricular activity?
“Stand Up for Justice” a true story 30-minute drama. In a sad part of American history, the friends of Ralph Lazo are sent off to Japanese American internment camps. He shows his loyalty to his friends by joining them.