Quieres aprender conceptos básicos de Computación, como buscar información en internet o como usar las redes sociales. Anímate a participar en la sesion de computación el cuarto sábado de cada mes.
Come join us for family story time in the Youth Services Craft Room, We will read stories, dance, and sing. This story time is particularly great for families with readers ages 2-6.
A representative of the Delaware Tribal Council will present a history of this Native American Tribe and its important connections to the state of Kansas. There will also be a demonstration of traditional tribal dance. All ages welcome
Come learn about some of Earth's most interesting creatures featuring the animal experts from Exotics-R-Us.
Are you a novelist? A blogger? Have a short story that's been itching to be told? Join us for a two hour block of time for writers to brainstorm, write, and work toward their word goals.
Tyler Perry's A Madea Family Funeral, Lionsgate, 109 minutes.
Come join us in our African-American Book Club, Infinite Shades of Brown! This month we will discuss "The Gilded Years: a novel" by Karin Tanabe.